Moving with Intention Dance Class Package
Welcome to our Moving with Intention Dance Class Package designed exclusively for you! Our program empowers you to move with intention and heal through the power of movement. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dancer, our classes offer a safe and inclusive space where you can express yourself freely and explore the power of healing through movement
Get access NOW and move with us on your own time!

Best Value
Ready to HEAL Bundle
FULL ACCESS Bundle for recocherxs ready to build confidence!
Valid until canceled
5 RV Dance Parties
Get Cute & Go Off (5 RV Choreos)
Moving With Intention E-Guide
Recocherx Discounts

Best Value
Get Cute & Go OFF!
Perfect for beginners looking for a breakdown of steps.
Valid until canceled
One time payment to access 5 RV Choreos
5 different themes to dress up for.
Moving with Intention E-Guide
Recocherx Discounts

Best Value
Let the Fun Begin
Dance Class Package
Valid until canceled
One time payment to access 5 RV Dance Parties!
Hip mobility exercises.
Description of cultural rhythms.
Modifications for movements.
Grateful cool down and stretches.
Kassandra M.
"I learned that dancing doesn’t have to be perfect and if you mess up, just keep going. Nobody will know you messed up as long as you keep smiling and look happy!
I now tell myself, “It literally does not matter if you make a mistake, nobody was born learning. What matters is that you try again a different way (if possible) instead of shutting down and being mean to yourself” in different areas in my life not just with dance.
Shiolyn M.
"These classes are always amazing, I think my favorite part was when everyone had an opportunity to dance and just let go. Although we did this through out, I felt like we all belong there no matter what is going on in our life. We all made a choice to be there for ourselves".
Alondra G.
"If you want to attend a dance class where you will be around empowering women, with an instructor who is there to teach you to love and respect you body... then this is the class for you. The women in the class are as supportive and empowering as the instructor".