Community Resources
Welcome to our community resources! At Recocha Vibes we are passionate about supporting WOC in building confidence and living their most authentic lives. These resources are for you if:
you are interested in growing your mindset
you want to learn how to be intentional
you are ready to hold yourself accountable
you want to learn how to celebrate yourself
and you are ready to call in the life that you deserve.
We are excited to offer these free services to support you on your confidence journey, take as much as you need!

Sashelle N.
"I let go of many fears that were holding me back. I no longer let anyone’s opinions or judgement take me out of my zone. I set boundaries and understand that I can aways say no if something does not feel like it is not in alignment with my goals. I have also pushed myself to be more present and on top of self care and love. I am working on myself mentally and physically and I am more nurturing to my mind and my body".
"I no longer believe that rest is unproductive, that I don't have a vision and that I am my own enemy.
I now believe rest is productive, that I will complete my goals (short-term and long-term), and that I'm a badass b*tch.
I learned that my power is unlimited and that I can continue to grow with the help of others".
Lesslie M.
"It felt like I had my own cheerleader. Someone that validated your feelings and never judged. A true supporter.I never really had that from the ones I needed or expected it from. I expected that from Mari and she delivered more than I thought could be possible".